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BLDC Motor Speed Control

IoT Based BLDC Motor Speed Control With RPM Monitoring

BLDC Motor Speed Control

The sensors connected in circuit are used to sense various motor parameter Speed of the motor. IR Sensor is used to measure the RPM or speed of the motor.. this measured data is stored in thing speak cloud server. This project uses Atmega328P as the microcontroller. along with Atmega328P. An ESP8266-01 chip is used to add Wi-Fi capabilities. The BLDC Motor used in the system is a 1000 KV motor, which means for every volt it provides 1000 RPM speed. The speed of the BLDC Motor is controlled using PWM Signals and switching on/off of the BLDC Motor can be done remotely using Relays that activate/deactivate on signal from Mobile Phone. An ESC is used to drive the BLDC Motor. ESC used in the system is a 30 Amp Electronic Speed Controller. If a user gives a command of varying the speed through the mobile phone, that command is given to ESC driver via cloud server and Arduino UNO.ESC driver will change the duty cycle accordingly to obtain a desired output.

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